跟着我的脚步,一起摩擦!本番外篇包含一些基础、进阶、集成软件等内容!这是本篇的第一部,想不出要说什么了!哎!别说了!跟着我走!一步两步,一步两步..... To success!
一. 基础编译
#编译环境为Ubuntu sudo apt-get update #升级组件包 $安装编译需要的组件 sudo apt-get install gcc g++ binutils patch bzip2 flex bison make autoconf gettext texinfo unzip sharutils subversion libncurses5-dev ncurses-term zlib1g-dev git-core gawk asciidoc libz-dev sphinxsearch libtool sphinx-common libssl-dev libsqlite3* intltool libiconv* gstreamer-0.10* glib2.0 libxml2-dev qemu (*64位系统需安装lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0) mkdir openwrt #使用非root用户登录,建立openwrt目录 cd openwrt #进入openwrt目录 svn checkout svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk #下载openwrt源码(这里以trunk版为例子) sudo chmod -R 777 trunk #赋予trunk目录权限 cd trunk #进入trunk目录 ./scripts/feeds update -a #更新最新源码 ./scripts/feeds install -a #安装最新源码 svn up #更新版本号 make menuconfig #进入编译菜单 Y:选择Y,该软件将被编译,并且加入到你的目标固件里; M:选择M,该软件包将会被编译,但不会被放入固件里。在需要它的时候,可以用OPKG软件包管理器进行安装; N:选择N,该软件包将不会被编译,也不会被安装进固件。 #方向键是移动光标 #回车键是确认 空格键是选择,可以代替Y/M/N键的使用 /:搜索 $编译 make V=99 #编译 make clean #清除编译过程产生的临时文件 make defconfig #恢复编译环境
二. 编译进阶
config wifi-device radio$devidx option type mac80211 option channel 11 option hwmode 11ng option path '10180000.wmac' option htmode HT20 list ht_capab GF list ht_capab SHORT-GI-20 list ht_capab SHORT-GI-40 list ht_capab TX-STBC list ht_capab RX-STBC12 # REMOVE THIS LINE TO ENABLE WIFI: option disabled 0 option noscan 1 option txpower 20 option htmode HT40- config wifi-iface option device radio$devidx option network lan option mode ap option ssid MakeBlaze_$(cat /sys/class/ieee80211/${dev}/macaddress|awk -F ":" '{print $4""$5""$6 }'| tr a-z A-Z) #自定义SSID为MakeBlaze_MAC后六位 option encryption none
二. 配置LUCI界面
config core main option resourcebase '/luci-static/resources' option lang 'zh_cn' #设置默认语言 option mediaurlbase '/luci-static/bootstrap' #设置默认主题 config internal languages #设置可选择的语言 option zh_cn 'chinese' option en 'English' config internal themes #设置可选择的主题 option Bootstrap '/luci-static/bootstrap'
三. 添加释放内存
function index() + entry({"admin", "Free_Memory"}, call("Free_Memory"), _("释放内存"), 75) end function Free_Memory() luci.util.exec("echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches") luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "status", "overview")) end
四. 顶栏显示重启
function index() entry({"admin", "reboot"}, call("action_reboot"), _("Reboot"), 90) end
<%:Perform reboot%>
五. 在顶栏显示备份/升级
function index() entry({"admin", "flashops"}, call("action_flashops"), _("Backup / Flash Firmware"), 70) end
六. 修改/etc目录的配置文件
七. root密码修改
root:$1$wEehtjxj$YBu4quNfVUjzfv8p/PBo5.:0:0:99999:7::: #默认情况下root是没有密码的,需设定密码才能开启ssh
七. 修改路由连接数
八. 修改主机名/设定时区
config system #设置主机名 option hostname 'MakeBlaze' option conloglevel '8' option cronloglevel '8' #设置时区 option zonename 'Asia/Shanghai' option timezone 'CST-8' #设置时间服务器 config timeserver 'ntp' option enable_server '1' list server '' list server 's1a.time.edu.cn' list server 's1b.time.edu.cn' list server '' config led 'usb_led' option name 'USB' option sysfs 'hg255d:usb' option trigger 'usbdev' option dev '1-1' option interval '50' config led 'wlan_led' option name 'WLAN' option sysfs 'hg255d:wlan' option trigger 'netdev' option dev 'ra0' option mode 'link tx' config led 'internet_led' option name '<a title="INTERNET" href="http://baike.baidu.com/view/6825.htm?fromtitle=Internet&fromid=272794&type=syn" target="_blank">INTERNET</a>' option sysfs 'hg255d:internet' option trigger 'netdev' option dev 'eth0.2' option mode 'tx rx'
九. 添加将自己开发的程序
目录结构 <houzi> ├Makefile ├<files> │ ├<etc> │ │ ├<config> │ │ │ └houzi │ │ ├<init.d> │ │ │ └houzi │ ├<usr> │ │ ├<lib> │ │ │ ├<lua> │ │ │ │ ├<luci> │ │ │ │ │ ├<controller> │ │ │ │ │ │ └houzi.lua │ │ │ │ │ ├<model> │ │ │ │ │ │ ├<cbi> │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └houzi.lua │ │ ├<sbin> │ │ │ └houzi
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=houzi PKG_VERSION:=2.0.1 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_BUILD_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME) include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk define Package/houzi SECTION:=utils CATEGORY:=Utilities SUBMENU:=H3C inode TITLE:= iNode Compatible Client for HOUZI DEPENDS:=+libc +libgcc MAINTAINER:= RiceLyn <wojiaolinmu008@gmail.com> endef define Package/houzi/description iNode Compatible Client for HOUZI endef define Build/Prepare endef define Build/Configure endef define Build/Compile endef define Package/houzi/install $(CP) ./files/* $(1)/ endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,houzi))
完成之后./scripts/feeds install -a,ccnu就会出现在Utilities -> H3C inode里
十. 集成软件
列如:添加aria2,luci添加,web管理界面 aria2 http://sourceforge.net/projects/aria2/files/stable/
#aria2的依赖安装 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libcppunit-dev autopoint openssl libtool sphinx-common sphinxsearch libgcrypt11-dev #下载aria2源码 cd dl sudo apt-get install wget wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/aria2/files/stable/aria2-1.18.7/aria2-1.18.7.tar.bz2 #获取md5码 md5sum aria2-1.18.7.tar.bz2
https://github.com/nanpuyue/openwrt-extra (luci-app-aira2和webui-aria2)
`src-git extra git://github.com/nanpuyue/openwrt-extra.git` #在feeds.conf.default中添加 ./scripts/feeds update -a ./scripts/feeds install -a
最后在make menuconfig选中aria2,luci-app-aira2和webui-aria2
十一.menuconfig 配置举例子
make menuconfig配置
#选择编译对象 Target System (Atheros AR71XXX/AR91XXX) —> #目标系统,选择什么系列的soc Subtarget (Genric) —> #子目录。选择固件的类型,我这里选择默认标准类型SPI flash固件,还有 NOR NAND flash的固件 Target Profile (TP-LINK TL-W842N/ND) —> #目标的类型,选择要编译的机型,选择默认编译时是编译全机型 Target Images —> #目标镜像,选择固件,选择默认就行了!这里不再对里面的类型进行解析 #添加USB挂载 Base system —> <*>block-mount #添加硬盘格式支持 Kernel modules —> Filesystems —> <*> kmod-fs-ext4 (移动硬盘EXT4文件格式 ) Kernel modules —> Filesystems —> <*> kmod-fs-vfat(FAT16 / FAT32文件格式 ) Kernel modules —> Filesystems —> <*> kmod-fs-ntfs (NTFS文件格式 ) #添加USB相关支持 Kernel modules —> USB Support —> <*> kmod-usb-core. Kernel modules —> USB Support —> <*> kmod-usb-ohci. Kernel modules —> USB Support —> <*> kmod-usb-storage. Kernel modules —> USB Support —> <*> kmod-usb-storage-extras. Kernel modules —> USB Support —> <*> kmod-usb2. Kernel modules —> USB Support —> <*> kmod-usb3. #添加自动挂载工具 Utilities —> Filesystem —> <*> badblocks #添加UTF8编码,CP437编码,ISO8859-1编码 Kernel modules —> Native Language Support —> <*> kmod-nls-cp437 Kernel modules —> Native Language Support —> <*> kmod-nls-iso8859-1 Kernel modules —> Native Language Support —> <*> kmod-nls-utf8 #添加SCSI支持 Kernel modules —> Block Devices —> <*>kmod-scsi-core #添加luci LuCI ->Collections -> <*> luci #添加luci的中文语言包 LuCI ->Translations -> <*> luci-i18n-chinese #添加LED支持 LED modules —> < *> kmod-ledtrig-usbdev…………………………. LED USB device Trigger
/feeds/feeds.conf.default src-git ramod git://github.com/ravageralpha/my_openwrt_mod.git #建议在后面添加,如果不使用可注释掉 ./scripts/update -a ./scripts/install -a
*引用* #!/bin/sh #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filename: 30-block_mount # Revision: 0.5.1 # Data: Jul. 7, 2014 # Email: kevinyu@vip.qq.com **(感谢)** # Contacts: QQ/TM 389191 or mail address above # Licensing: General Public License v2 # Description: Created for automatic mount block devices on OpenWRT # Usage: Put this script into directory /etc/hotplug.d/block #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Global settings of auto-mount script ## # Turn on|off auto-mount function for disk volumes VOL_ENABLED=1 # <0|1 0-Disable, 1-Enable> # Turn on|off auto-mount function for sawp partition SWAP_ENABLED=1 # <0|1 0-Disable, 1-Enable> # Set which method you want to name the mounted volumes USE_VLABEL=1 # <0|1 0-Use device name, 1-Use volume label> Eg. /mnt/sda1 | /mnt/DataDisk # # Note that if you choose name mount point by volume label but the volume's label is empty, # the volume will be named to 'volume_$PARTUUID', such as the /mnt/volume_31173116-01 # Also, if exist more than one device which have the same volume label, it will be renamed # as the original name + sequence number, such as the /mnt/DataDisk_n (n=1,2,3..9) # Show filesystem type as the prefix of mount point, requires set USE_VLABEL=1 FSTYPE_IN_VLABEL=1 # <0|1 0-Disable, 1-Enable> Eg. /mnt/[ntfs]-DataDisk # Set access the mounted device with read-write or read-only permission FS_READONLY=0 # <0|1 0-Read Write, 1-Read Only> # Exclusion list of auto-mount function # Allows mixing the device name, volume label and UUID, each item must be separated by space(s) # Eg. EXCLUDE_LIST="sda1 DataDisk f32b2ea6-4d42-43a5-bcec-7d818a163d07" EXCLUDE_LIST="" # Default: empty string # Specify a directory for mounts MOUNTS_PATH="/mnt" # Default: /mnt , don't need include the trailing slash (/) # Define the add-ons scripts directory for automatic execute ADDSH_PATH="/etc/hotplug.d/user" # Script naming rule: [0-9][0-9]-xxxxx, Eg. 20-backup-sdcard ## End of global settings ## # Purge the directory MOUNTS_PATH purge_mnts() { local i RETVAL [ -d $MOUNTS_PATH ] || return 1 for i in $MOUNTS_PATH/* ; do if [ -d $i ] ; then if [ -z "`ls -A $i 2>&-`" ] ; then `grep -qs "$i" /proc/mounts` || { rm -rf $i 2>/dev/null; RETVAL=$?; } if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] ; then logger -t Auto-Mount "[Notice] Unused mount point $i was removed" [ "$CLI" = "yes" ] && echo "[Notice] Unused mount point '$i' was removed" else logger -t Auto-Mount "[Error] Remove unused mount point $i failed" [ "$CLI" = "yes" ] && echo "[Error] Remove unused mount point $i failed" fi fi fi done } # Unmount all block device umountall() { local i MOUNTS MOUNTS=`grep -os '^/dev/sd[a-z][1-9]' /proc/mounts` for i in $MOUNTS ; do umount -f $i [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "[Notice] Device $i unmounted" | tee /proc/self/fd/2 | logger -t Auto-Mount done purge_mnts } # Detect blkid exists BLKID=`which blkid` if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then logger -t Auto-Mount "[Error] Unable to mount block devices automatically because 'blkid' does not exist" exit 1 fi MOUNTS_PATH=${MOUNTS_PATH%/} [ -z "$ACTION" ] && ACTION=${1##*-} [ -n "$DEVICENAME" ] && DEV=$DEVICENAME || DEV=$2 logger -t Auto-Mount "[Debug] action='$ACTION' devicename='$DEV'" case "$ACTION" in add) [ -z "$DEV" ] && { logger -t Auto-Mount "[Error] Missing required arguments: \$devicename"; exit 1; } if [ -n "$EXCLUDE_LIST" ] ; then UUID=`$BLKID -s UUID /dev/$DEV | awk -F '=' '{print $NF}' | tr -d '"| '` VLABEL=`$BLKID -d -s LABEL /dev/$DEV | awk -F '=' '{print $NF}' | tr -d '"| '` for i in $EXCLUDE_LIST ; do ignore=0 if `echo "$i" | grep -qs '^sd[a-z][1-9]$'` ; then # is device name [ $i = $DEV ] && ignore=1 elif `echo "$i" | grep -Eiqs '^[0-9a-f]{8}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$'` ; then # is UUID [ $i = $UUID ] && ignore=1 else # as volume label [ $i = $VLABEL ] && ignore=1 fi [ $ignore -eq 1 ] && { logger -t Auto-Mount "[Notice] Device $DEV is ignored because it in exclusion list"; exit 0; } done fi if `echo "$DEV" | grep -qs '^sd[a-z][1-9]$'` ; then [ -z "$VLABEL" ] && VLABEL=`$BLKID -d -s LABEL /dev/$DEV | awk -F '=' '{print $NF}' | tr -d '"| '` [ -z "$VLABEL" ] && VLABEL="unknown" FSTYPE=`$BLKID -s TYPE /dev/$DEV | awk -F '=' '{print $NF}' | tr -d '"| '` logger -t Auto-Mount "[Debug] devicename='$DEV' volume_label='$VLABEL' fstype='$FSTYPE'" MCMD="" # set default value [ $FS_READONLY -eq 1 ] && acs="ro" || acs="rw" case "$FSTYPE" in ext[234]) if `grep -vs '^nodev' /proc/filesystems | grep -qs "$FSTYPE"` ; then MCMD="mount -t $FSTYPE -o ${acs},noatime" fi ;; xfs|reiserfs) if `grep -vs '^nodev' /proc/filesystems | grep -qs "$FSTYPE"` ; then MCMD="mount -t $FSTYPE -o ${acs},noatime" fi ;; iso9660|udf) if `grep -vs '^nodev' /proc/filesystems | grep -qs "$FSTYPE"` ; then MCMD="mount -t $FSTYPE -o ro" fi ;; vfat|msdos) if `grep -vs '^nodev' /proc/filesystems | grep -qs "$FSTYPE"` ; then MCMD="mount -t $FSTYPE -o ${acs},codepage=936,umask=000" #iocharset=utf8 fi ;; exfat) if `grep -Eqs '^[[:space:]]+fuseblk$' /proc/filesystems` && `which mount.exfat >/dev/null` ; then MCMD="mount.exfat -o ${acs},iocharset=cp936,umask=000" fi ;; ntfs) if `grep -Eqs '^[[:space:]]+fuseblk$' /proc/filesystems` && `which mount.ntfs-3g >/dev/null` ; then MCMD="mount -t ntfs-3g -o ${acs},noatime,big_writes,async,umask=000" fi ;; swap) [ $SWAP_ENABLED -ne 1 ] && exit 0 if [ `grep -vs '^Filename' /proc/swaps | wc -l` -eq 0 ] ; then MCMD="swapon /dev/$DEV" fi ;; *) MCMD="" ;; esac [ $VOL_ENABLED -ne 1 ] && exit 0 if [ $FSTYPE = "swap" ] ; then MOPT="" elif [ $FSTYPE = "iso9660" -o $FSTYPE = "udf" ] ; then CDROM="cdrom" if `grep -qs "$MOUNTS_PATH/$CDROM " /proc/mounts` ; then SUFFIX=1 while `grep -qs "$MOUNTS_PATH/$CDROM " /proc/mounts` ; do [ $SUFFIX -lt 10 ] && CDROM="${CDROM%_*}_$SUFFIX" || { CDROM="${CDROM%_*}_99"; break; } let SUFFIX++ done fi MPOINT=$CDROM else if [ $USE_VLABEL -eq 1 ] ; then if [ $VLABEL = "unknown" ] ; then PARTUUID=`$BLKID -s PARTUUID /dev/$DEV | awk -F '=' '{print $NF}' | tr -d '"| '` [ -z "$PARTUUID" ] && PARTUUID=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid | cut -f1 -d'-'` VLABEL="volume_${PARTUUID}" elif `grep -qis "$MOUNTS_PATH/$VLABEL " /proc/mounts` ; then SUFFIX=1 while `grep -qis "$MOUNTS_PATH/$VLABEL " /proc/mounts` ; do if [ $SUFFIX -lt 10 ] ; then VLABEL="$(echo "$VLABEL" | sed 's/_[0-9]\+$//')_$SUFFIX" let SUFFIX++ else VLABEL="$(echo "$VLABEL" | sed 's/_[0-9]\+$//')_99" break fi done fi [ $FSTYPE_IN_VLABEL -eq 1 ] && MPOINT="[${FSTYPE}]-${VLABEL}" || MPOINT=$VLABEL else MPOINT=$DEV fi MOPT="/dev/$DEV $MOUNTS_PATH/$MPOINT" fi if [ -n "$MCMD" ] ; then if ! `grep -qs '/dev/$DEV' /proc/mounts` ; then [ $FSTYPE = "swap" ] || { [ -d $MOUNTS_PATH/$MPOINT ] || mkdir -p $MOUNTS_PATH/$MPOINT; } logger -t Auto-Mount "[Debug] MountCMD='$MCMD $MOPT'" # echo "[Debug] MountCMD='$MCMD $MOPT'" >> /tmp/auto-mount-debug $MCMD $MOPT RETVAL=$? if [ $FSTYPE = "swap" ] ; then if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] ; then logger -t Auto-Mount "[Notice] Swap device /dev/$DEV turned on" fi else if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] ; then logger -t Auto-Mount "[Notice] Block device /dev/$DEV mounted on $MOUNTS_PATH/$MPOINT" else logger -t Auto-Mount "[Warning] Re-try mount the block device /dev/$DEV after 2 seconds..." sleep 2 $MCMD $MOPT if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then logger -t Auto-Mount "[Notice] Block device /dev/$DEV mounted on $MOUNTS_PATH/$MPOINT" else rm -rf $MOUNTS_PATH/$MPOINT 2>/dev/null logger -t Auto-Mount "[Error] Mount block device /dev/$DEV encounters an error" exit 1 fi fi fi fi else if [ $FSTYPE = "swap" ] ; then logger -t Auto-Mount "[Notice] Swap device /dev/$DEV was ignored" else logger -t Auto-Mount "[Error] Unsupported filesystem '$FSTYPE' on /dev/$DEV" fi fi unset MCMD fi purge_mnts ;; remove) [ -z "$DEV" ] && { logger -t Auto-Mount "[Error] Missing required arguments: \$devicename"; exit 1; } if `echo "$DEV" | grep -qs '^sd[a-z][1-9]$'` ; then if `grep -qs '/dev/$DEV' /proc/mounts` ; then MPATH=`awk -F ' ' '/\/dev\/'"$DEV"'/ {print $2}' /proc/mounts 2>/dev/null` umount /dev/$DEV [ $? -eq 0 ] && logger -t Auto-Mount "[Notice] Block device $DEV unmounted" [ -d "$MPATH" ] && rm -rf $MPATH 2>/dev/null fi if `grep -qs '/dev/$DEV' /proc/swaps` ; then swapoff $DEV [ $? -eq 0 ] && logger -t Auto-Mount "[Notice] Swap device $DEV turned off" fi fi purge_mnts ;; umountall) CLI="yes" umountall ;; purge) CLI="yes" purge_mnts ;; *) echo "[Error] ** Invalid action arguments: $ACTION" | tee /proc/self/fd/2 | logger -t Auto-Mount ;; esac ## Execute the add-ons script # ADDSH_PATH="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; cd ..; pwd)/user" if [ -n "`ls -A $ADDSH_PATH 2>&-`" ]; then i=0 for addsh in ${ADDSH_PATH}/[0-9][0-9]-* ; do [ $i -eq 0 ] && logger -t Auto-Mount "[Notice] -- Execute additional scripts ..." logger -t Hotplug-Debug "-- Exec script - $addsh" sh $addsh $ACTION $DEV let i++ done fi # Script EOF
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